Essential Question

How do we know what we want as the American Dream, when we dont even know what an American is?

Friday, August 8, 2008

Diary Entry for Thomas Paine

Dear Diary,
Hello, its me Thomas. The date is December 23, 1776, and i recently have spoken to some very important people, soldiers of the Revolutionary War. I decided i must encourage them to fight, which you know is unusual for me, but they have to fight or else we will be overun by Britain. I cannot let that happen so i told them that they must stand strong and not be cowards who flee before they have completed their duty to their country. I told them they have to fight for their freedom and perservere for better days, for they will soon come if they are loyal. They must fight for their country as they would for their family. I then spoke one on one with a few soldiers who awared me that they were frightened by the thought of war, i reassured them that if they fought like men then it wouldnt be too bad, they would surely make it through. I must go now. Til later. Goodbye.
Thomas Paine

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