Essential Question

How do we know what we want as the American Dream, when we dont even know what an American is?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Diary Entry for Patrick Henry

Dear Diary,
The date is March 23, 1775. Im writing you this evening because today i , Patrick Henry, spoke to the H.O.R about my opinion on the Revolutionary War. I must admit that i was truly petrified when i stood up to address everyone, but once i told everyone that i had to say my opinion and how i hoped it wouldnt offend anyone i felt genuinely better. What did i tell the house, you ask? Well, i told them that i thought they should join the War. Why, you say? Because it is for the better cause, they are all fooled by Britain. When really Britain is going to betray them. Thankfull they listened to me. I asked many questions on how we could fight them, why we should fight them, and when. What do you mean, did they answer? Of course NOT, all the questions were rhetorical, what if's and what nots. All i can say is that i hope they take what i said to the heart and ponder it dearly, and come back with the righ decision. But for now i musnt worry i must rest. Til tomorrow, dear diary, good night.
With love,
Patrick Henry

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