Essential Question

How do we know what we want as the American Dream, when we dont even know what an American is?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Journal entry: William Bradford

Dear Journal,
1620: Today was a long and dreary day for us. All day we worked. We were told to find food, find shelter, get water, prepare the right living conditions for our permanent stay here. I was made to find shelter, but while exploring i ran into a dilemma. I lost my way and was hopelessely lost. My first thought was 'what if no one notices im missing? There is a large amount of people who came here.' But i reassured myself by praying to God, asking him for guidance in this unknown area. After a little while of stumbling around looking for a sign, i heard familiar voices. I followed them and eventually got back to the ship. It was only by the Grace of God that i was guided and delivered from all harm, for he delivers all from danger.
Yours Truly,
Patty Polinski

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