Essential Question

How do we know what we want as the American Dream, when we dont even know what an American is?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olidauh Equiano: Political Cartoon

Our country has become so prone to automatically being racist towards those who are not the same color as them, that sometimes they dont even notice it. In this political cartoon there is a man blowing something into another mans ear, forcing out an insect, classified as a racial prejudice bug. This shows us that Americans dont even realize they are being racist unless someone else is pointing it out for them. Next, we see the man saying 'Gracious! Was that in my head?'. He seems surprised that this bug was in his head, thus firther implying the fact that Americans cant realize they are being racist because they have become prone to it. They are so used to just kicking people out because of their skin color thatit doesnt even phase them anymore. If this keeps occuring sooner or later people are going to be planting this so called bug in the minds of their children, showing them that it is okay to be racist against those who are different thatn you are, but really its not. Our skins ays nothing about who we are and what weve done with our life, its whats on the inside that really counts.

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